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“Meta-circular” Static Types

I’ve only ever written little languages without static typing. There’s no particularly good reason here. I’m not against static types; it’s just not the thing that I’m typically exploring.

A while back I started thinking about exploring a basic language that was heavily inspired by PreScheme. I call it “Underploy,” and like PreScheme it aims to compile a restricted subset of Scheme to as idiomatic as possible other languages, starting with C. C, despite its lack of type soundness, is still typically considered a “statically typed language.” From the perspective of a compiler writer targeting C, that means that I need to have some way in which to select the correct types. In a language as dynamic as Scheme, this is typically hard.

Typical Scheme to C compilers don’t target idiomatic C. Instead, the output is often indistinguishable from Perl (Oh please, I kid. I cut my teeth on Perl back in the 90s and it still warms my heart – Ed). Instead of machine ints, boxed value structs that can be any type are prevalent, proving yet again that Bob Harper’s observations are sound. (Insert link to Dynamic Languages are singly typed languages). Control flow is a mix of function calls and gotos depending on the algorithm utilized to support tail calls, and closures are hoisted into static functions with names such as clos_HX1138, and replaced by one of those boxed value structs at the call site.

To say this is idiomatic C would be a stretch by most people’s standards.

PreScheme takes a different tact. You get the entirety of the Scheme system, but PreScheme itself can only compile the restricted set. That means that you can build a tower of macros that expand into the restricted subset, but that subset doesn’t include things like first class closures, continuations, or even automatic memory management.

The more primitive language can then be type-inferred using classic Hindley-Milner, and everything can be compiled into machine ints, char *, etc, and standard C functions.

So Underploy, if it’s going to live in the shadows of PreScheme, needs a similar story. I intend for Underploy to adopt a Hindley-Milner type inference algorithm as well, but you’ve gotta learn to $X, before you can $Y, as they say.

What follows is a tiny, statically typed language written for Chicken. There’s no reason it couldn’t be modified to work in other Scheme systems, trivially, but I wanted slightly better exception handling, and used what Chicken had.

Now we $X.

Chicken has modules that can be imported. I should probably have omitted these for brevity. The condition module provides us with with-exception-handler which we use in the REPL. And port gives us the with-output-to-string function that removes our need for proper string formatting.

(import (chicken condition)
        (chicken port))

We next define the classic meta-circular Scheme interpreter’s environments. Environments hold “frames” of “bindings” that map a variable name to a value. In our case, we build them out of nested lists of improper pairs, where the car of the binding is the name, and the cdr is the value. The env-extend function is used during function application, to extend the closure’s captured environment with the application’s parameters.

(define (empty-env) (list '()))

(define (env-extend env bindings)
  (cons bindings env))

(define (env-set! env x v)
  (let ((binding (env-find env x)))
    (if (null? binding)
        (set-car! env
                  (cons (cons x v) (car env)))
        (set-cdr! binding v))))

Two functions are used to lookup a binding, such that env-set! can modify the binding in place. One might otherwise implement env-lookup as “just” returning the value, and interleaving the parent environment exploration when no binding is found in the current frame.

(define (env-find env x)
   ((null? env) '())
   ((pair? env)
    (let ((v (assq x (car env))))
      (or v
          (env-find (cdr env) x))))
   (else (error "bad env: not a pair"))))

(define (env-lookup env x)
  (let ((binding (env-find env x)))
    (if (pair? binding)
        (cdr binding)
        (error (string-append (symbol->string x) ": not found")))))

There are only 3 real forms in this little language, and that’s if, lambda, and set!. These work very similarly to the Scheme relatives except that lambda’s are typed.

(define (if? form)
  (and (pair? form)
       (eq? (car form) 'if)
       (= (length form) 4)))

(define (set!? form)
  (and (pair? form)
       (eq? (car form) 'set!)
       (= (length form) 3)))

;; (lambda ((x type) ...) return-type body ...)
(define (lambda? form)
  (and (pair? form)
       (eq? (car form) 'lambda)
       (> (length form) 3)))

lambda differs for Scheme’s as can be seen by the comment. In practice it looks like this:

;;; define a function `double` in our mini language
(set! double (lambda ((x int)) int (+ x x)))

The evaluator is typical of a metacircular Scheme interpreter. I cut some corners here in that eval-lambda returns a list with a tag, closure, and a vector to access the captured environment, arguments, and the body itself.

Still nothing interesting.

(define (eval-if x env)
  (let ((cnd (cadr x))
        (cns (caddr x))
        (alt (cadddr x)))
    (if (my-eval cnd env)
        (my-eval cns env)
        (my-eval alt env))))

(define (eval-lambda x env)
  (let ((args (map car (cadr x)))
        (body (cdddr x)))
    (list 'closure
          (vector env args body))))

(define (eval-set! x env)
  (env-set! env (cadr x) (my-eval (caddr x) env)))

eval-app teeters on being interesting since I was a bit too lazy to do the traditional evlist helper. That means computing the frame to extend the environment with is a little more chatty. In my defense, applying a Scheme procedure is the other branch of this cond, and that needs the list without names to bind to. evlist would, therefore, be used once.

(define (eval-app x env)
  (let ((fun (my-eval (car x) env)))
     ((procedure? fun)
      (apply fun
             (map (lambda (ex)
                    (my-eval ex env))
                  (cdr x))))
     ((eq? 'closure (car fun))
      (let* ((vfun (cadr fun))
             (cenv (vector-ref vfun 0))
             (bindings (vector-ref vfun 1))
             (body (vector-ref vfun 2)))
        (let* ((frame (map (lambda (b ex)
                            (cons b (my-eval ex env)))
                          (cdr x)))
               (menv (env-extend env frame))
               (result '()))
        (for-each (lambda (form)
                    (set! result (my-eval form menv)))
     (else (error "don't know how to apply that")))))


(define (my-eval x env)
   ((boolean? x) x)
   ((integer? x) x)
   ((procedure? x) x)
   ((symbol? x) (env-lookup env x))
   ((if? x) (eval-if x env))
   ((set!? x) (eval-set! x env))
   ((lambda? x) (eval-lambda x env))
   ((pair? x) (eval-app x env))
   (else (error "fail"))))

We finally get to the type checker. It’s basic. For an if expression, we require that the conditional be bool, and then require that the consequent and alternate expressions, when recursively type checked, are the same type. It doesn’t matter which type, they just have to be the same. The type of the if, then, is the type of one of those expressions (doesn’t matter which one).

(define (type-of-if x env)
  (let ((cnd (type-of (cadr x) env))
        (cns (type-of (caddr x) env))
        (alt (type-of (cadddr x) env)))
    (if (eq? cnd 'bool)
        (if (eq? cns alt)
            (error (with-ouput-to-string
                    (lambda ()
                      (display "type check failed in if: consequent is: ")
                      (display cns)
                      (display " alternate is: ")
                      (display alt)
                      (display ". must be equal.")))))
        (error (with-output-to-string
                 (lambda ()
                   (display "type check failed in if: condition needs bool, got: ")
                   (display cnd)))))))

I think I assumed the type of a lambda would be trickier, but it’s not. It’s really the only place in the code where the types need to be declared, and hopefully that will change with type inference, and polymorphic types.

Given we require that the function parameters are typed, and the return type is given, we just assume the programmer knows what they’re doing, and ship it. I don’t see why walking the tree wouldn’t work to ensure consistency, but I believe in trust. I want to believe in trust.

(define (type-of-lambda x env)
  (let ((targs (map cadr (cadr x)))
        (return (caddr x)))
    (list '-> targs return)))

OK, but seriously. The assuming the lambda’s parameters are given correctly, we can at least check that they are consistent and that the declared return type is consistent as well:

(define (type-of-lambda x env)
  (let* ((frame (map (lambda (p)
                      (cons (car p)
                            (cadr p)))
                    (cadr x)))
         (return (caddr x))
         (nenv (env-extend env frame)))
    (let loop ((exps (cdddr x))
               (result 'void))
      (if (null? exp)
          (if (equal? result return)
              (list '-> (map cadr (cadr x)) result)
              ;; in reality, we'll probably never see this error
              ;; message since an application will fail, or otherwise
              ;; before we do.
              (error (with-output-to-string
                       (lambda ()
                         (display "type check failed in lambda: ")
                         (display "mismatched returns. declared: ")
                         (display return)
                         (display " actual: ")
                         (display result)))))
          (loop (cdr exps)
                (type-of (car exps) nenv))))))

When we build the returned type (list '-> (map cadr (cadr x)) result), notice that we’re taking the declared types of the functions parameters, as we assumed in the previous definition of type-of-lambda. That’s fine, now. We’ve checked to ensure they’re consistent with the body.

The type of set! is actually quite interesting. If, given our current frame, we can see this variable, we’re forcing it to be the same type. If the variable is new, set! will modify the environment updating the “type binding” with the type of the expression we’re using for the value.

(define (type-of-set! x env)
  (let ((exists (env-find env (cadr x)))
        (te (type-of (caddr x) env)))
    (if (null? exists)
          (env-set! env (cadr x) te)
        (if (equal? te (cdr exists))
            (error (with-output-to-string
                     (lambda ()
                       (display "type check failed in set!. type is: ")
                       (display (cdr exists))
                       (display " got: ")
                       (display te))))))))

Given we’ve trusted the programmer to ensure that lambda functions are typed correctly, and then verified their work, we’re just going to double check that the call’s arguments are consistent with the function being called. We call type-of on each expression, and then validate that the lambda’s type matches the application’s type. We can do this because we’ve checked the lambda’s return type is OK.

(define (type-of-app x env)
  (let ((fun (type-of (car x) env))
        (args (map (lambda (x)
                     (type-of x env))
                   (cdr x))))
    (if (and (pair? fun)
             (eq? (car fun) '->))
        (if (equal? (cadr fun) args)
            (caddr fun)
            (error (with-output-to-string
                     (lambda ()
                       (display "type check failed at application: applying: ")
                       (display fun)
                       (display " to: ")
                       (display args)))))
        (error "can't apply non-function: " fun))))

Yawn. This is what we’ve been waiting for and it turns out that the important bits are up above. No wait. The point was to show that this is pretty simple. If you understand the classic metacircular evaluator, then you understand “my first static type checker.” Congratulations.

(define (type-of x env)
   ((boolean? x) 'bool)
   ((integer? x) 'int)
   ((procedure? x) 'procedure)
   ((symbol? x) (env-lookup env x))
   ((if? x) (type-of-if x env))
   ((set!? x) (type-of-set! x env))
   ((lambda? x) (type-of-lambda x env))
   ((pair? x) (type-of-app x env))
   (else (error "unknown form:" x))))

Our little language doesn’t have a ton of builtins, but does have enough to illustrate everything.

(define initial-type-env
   `((+ . (-> (int int) int))
     (- . (-> (int int) int))
     (* . (-> (int int) int))
     (/ . (-> (int int) int))
     (< . (-> (int int) bool))
     (> . (-> (int int) bool))
     (<= . (-> (int int) bool))
     (>= . (-> (int int) bool))
     (= . (-> (int int) bool))
     (not . (-> (bool) bool)))))

The environment for the actual values just embeds the Scheme procedure, which the interpreter understands how to use.

(define initial-env
   `((+ . ,+)
     (- . ,-)
     (* . ,*)
     (/ . ,quotient)
     (> . ,>)
     (< . ,<)
     (>= . ,>=)
     (<= . ,<=)
     (= . ,=)
     (not . ,not))))

Because our represtation of closures is primitive, and environments are built out of standard Scheme lists, printing a closure will result in recursively printing environments until our machine gives up. This is a great way to force restart your computer, but not great otherwise. In our REPL, then, we’ve gotta be careful to call my-display which handles printing our closure type without printing the environment.

(define (my-display value)
   ((and (pair? value)
         (eq? (car value) 'closure)
         (vector? (cadr value)))
    (display "#"closure: ")
    (display (vector-ref (cadr value) 1))
    (display ">"))
   (else (display value))))

The last thing we’ll show is our REPL. It utilizes Scheme’s read to read an expression, calls type-of, which will raise an exception on error, and then, if successfully type checked, calls our my-eval. There’s of course some error handling to ensure we get some information on errors, but the REPL keeps going.

(define (my-repl)
  (let loop ((tenv initial-type-env)
             (env initial-Nev))
    (display "#> ")
    (let ((x (read)))
      (if (or (eof-object? x)
              (equal? x '(unquote quit)))
             (lambda (k)
                   (lambda (exn)
                     (display "WHOOPS!")
                     (print-error-message exn)
                     (k '()))
                 (lambda ()
                   (type-of x tenv) ;; will raise an exeption
                   (let ((res (my-eval x env)))
                     (my-display res)
            (loop tenv env))))))

And that’s it. A simple, statically typed language that’s kind of like Scheme, built in Scheme.

The next step is to make this work without specifying types everywhere, by implementing Hindley-Milner type inference. We’ll follow that up with adding Polymorphic types, which will allow us to have functions that can take lists of bools, or lists of ints, or lists of lists.

- 2022/06/08