Though I hate competition1, I love ice cream, and so the [LinkedList’s programming contest][2] was a worth while endeavor.
I didn’t spend much time on it (I planned about 20 minutes since I had a already planned out what I was going to)–it ended up taking about 45 minutes. Phooey.
My play was simple. Create a program which writes a simple [brainfuck][3] program which is executed on a 6 instruction subset of brainfuck. If you ignore the looping construct, which is the only complicated part of a simple brainfuck system, then an interpreter is about 6 lines of code.
To add a few lines of code for my final trick, I enlisted the help of [Run Length Encoding][4]. The proverbial cherry on top, was formatting the code like a bowl of ice cream (I didn’t think to actually put a cherry on top–I probably would have won if I had).
(define (ntbf-eval
x h d) (unless (null? x) (case
(car x) ((#\>) (ntbf-eval (cdr x) h
(+ d 1))) ((#\<) (ntbf-eval (cdr x) h
(- d 1))) ((#\+) (begin (vector-set! h d
(+ 1 (vector-ref h d))) (ntbf-eval (cdr x)
h d))) ((#\-) (begin (vector-set! h d (-
1 (vector-ref h d))) (ntbf-eval (cdr x)
h d))) ((#\.) (begin (format #t "~a" (
integer->char (vector-ref h d))) (ntbf-eval
(cdr x) h d))) (else (error "invalid non turing
brainfuck statement"))))) (define (prog-table) (let
loop ((i 0) (accum '())) (if (< i 128) (loop (+ 1 i)
(cons `(,(integer->char i) (,i #\+) (1 #\.)) accum))
accum))) (define (rld ps) (let ((char (cadr ps)))
(let loop ((i (car ps)) (accum '())) (if (> i
0) (loop (- i 1) (cons char accum)) accum)
))) (define fragments (prog-table))(define
(make-prog s) (let ((ls (string->list s)))
(let loop ((ls ls) (accum '())) (if
(not (null? ls)) (let ((p (assoc
(car ls) fragments))) (if (not
(null? p)) (loop (cdr ls) (
append accum (append (cdr
p) '((1 #\>))))) (error
"I only do ASCII"))) accum
)))) (define (decode ls) (apply
append (map rld ls))) (begin(ntbf-eval
(decode (make-prog "LinkedList NYC"))
(make-vector 100 0) 0) (newline))
;; LinkedList Ice Cream Bowl
;; By Andrew Gwozdziweycz
The code runs in Guile 2.0+, or a sane scheme implementation that supports
BTW, some of the [other entries][5] were pretty cool. If only they’d use their time working on free software…
In fact, I’ve rated it [1 star][6] on [Combosaurus][7]. Why? Well, that’s a long story (I suppose), but it doesn’t bring out the best (in some ways, it does of course, but not the side I’d like to see) in people. ↩
[1]: #hate-competition