A few days ago, I discovered discount, a very nice markdown processing tool. It wasn’t until I downloaded the source and investigated it a bit though that I saw it’s potential!
See, I’m a fan of static blogs, but I’ve never been one to go download one of the many jekyll like things that exist out there. Why? Quite frankly, I find them to be rather ridiculous. Lots of random dependencies, the need for a specific version of Ruby, or whatever the jekyll variant is written in, etc.
This blog was once powered by a 30 line Python script. It was then powered by modest, which (I think) predates jekyll, and is about 500 lines of unfinished Python and had way more features than I ever cared to even bother using.
So, when I encountered the theme
utility in the discount source
tree, I saw a great opportunity to solve blogging once and for all!
Never again will you need to worry about whether or not your Ruby is
compatible with the one on your VPS, or whether that random templating
engine is installed somewhere correctly.
This blog is now “powered” by a Makefile
, and the little utility
from discount called theme
that I found. The Makefile
is less than
100 lines of GNU make
and uses Unix utilities that you already have on your
box. I use awk
, for instance, to munge a bit of text, sort
well, sort entries by date, head
and tail
to select lines out of
the markdown files–in fact, it’s just unix.
And this thing is fast, has a lot of features, and I’m going to proclaim that it’s much better than your blog engine, in nearly every single way. Just look at all these features!
- Fast compilation times –
knows how to build only the things that need to be built! Amazing! - Static – get Slashdotted1 over and over, your VPS won’t blink!
- Almost completely depdendency free – just get discount, you almost certainly have the rest already!
- Pages – cause every blog has an about page!
- Templates – everyone needs a design!
- Atom Feeds – I believe in syndication!
- Markdown – forget HTML!
- An index – just one, the front page!
- Agnostic of version control – bring your own!
- Agnostic of file layout – just configure it in the Makefile!
So, then, umm, how did I “upgrade” from the old Modest?
for n in `egrep '[pP]ublished: False' *.txt | cut -f1 -d:`; do
mv $n $n.unpublished
sed -i 's/^[Tt]itle: //' *.txt
sed -i 's/^[Tt]ags: //' *.txt
sed -i 's/^[Dd]ate: //' *.txt
sed -i 's/^[pP]ublished: True$//' *.txt
sed -i 's/^[cC]omments: True$//' *.txt
for n in *.txt; do
rawlineno=$(grep -n '^---$' $n | cut -d ':' -f1)
lineno=`expr $rawlineno - 1`
echo $rawlineno ":" $lineno
for line in `head -n $lineno $n`; do
sed -i "s|$line|% &|" $n
for n in `ls *.txt`; do
sed -i 's/^---$//' $n
sed -i 's/^$//' $n
./html2text.py $n > $output
Discount has this nice little feature which allows you to use pandoc
headers in your markdown files. theme
knows how to read those
fields, and gives them names. Since Modest worked via a similar
mechanism, the above shell script more or less turns the old headers
into the new ones. I had to do a little manual work on some posts
which had different header orderings.
Because I’m a fool, Modest made me author blog posts in HTML, which gave me flexibility, but was tedious. I used Aaron Schwartz’s html2text script to convert that HTML into Markdown. There’s a few things that still need cleanup–mostly around footnotes, but whatever. No one reads this blog anyway!
Slashdot was a site on the Internet that used to be a big deal. ↩