This post originally appeared on Making Meetup. It is being republished here for archive purposes.
Activity feeds were a logical addition to Meetup when they were added, and are still a valuable feature today. They provide a great summary for members that are actively engaged with many Meetups. They also aide in a member’s discovery of new groups for themselves. In our usability tests of the site, we constantly see people new to Meetup click on a group from the search results page, and eye the group’s activity feed to get a little bit more insight into who is actually a member of the group.
But, I don’t want to dwell on how great our activity feeds are. Instead, I’d like to take a little look into how they work.
For starters, our feeds are built on top of HBase. Why HBase and not
CouchDB, Riak, MongoDB, Cassandra,
Interaction with feeds is done with a slightly modified version of beeno, which provides an interface to HBase that looks somewhat close to our custom ORM for MySQL.
Layered above beeno is a set of classes that provide common abstractions– pull out all items for member A, associate this item to all members in group B basic object oriented design, as well as a set of classes for creating asynchronous tasks, which we use mostly for large write operations.
Up until a few months ago, all of these asynchronous write tasks happened on the application server that the task was initiated from. That meant that if a member posted a comment to a group such as the NY Tech Meetup, the application server would temporarily take a hit in performance while that operation was carried out. Now maybe I’m playing up the performance “hit” a bit, but for a group like the, NY Tech Meetup with close to 20,000 members, that results in an explosion of writes that need to be carried out in HBase, as well as a few potentially large queries in order to figure out exactly what to write to HBase to begin with.
There was another issue though. If HBase was unable to perform an operation due to a region server failure or some other issue, our only course of action was to discard the operation instead of trying it again, or let the application server’s job queue2 fill to the point of memory exhaustion. Neither of these options is better than the other–they’re both pretty horrible, so we decided to bound the queue size and retry–the “best” of both worlds. This isn’t without it’s issues too of course. Extended downtime results in RejectedExecutionException’s and lost writes. sigh
Enter enterprise messaging.
One solution to the issues outlined above which has the potential to minimize data loss is to queue all write operations to a shared location and have a set of worker tasks perform the operations.
Last October, we enlisted Rabbit MQ for this task.
If you make all the entities durable (queues, exchanges, bindings), have enough memory and disk space, implement proper failover in the broker and networking infrastructure, and ban wire cutters from your data center, it’s a pretty good bet that actual fires, and earthquakes are the only things that will stop the write operations from getting off the application server and into the bus.3
But, just to be sure, and in case failover takes longer than “instantly,” we queue up writes from the application servers to the Rabbit MQ broker.4
The new issue then becomes what do we send on the bus? The implication of using an Executor is that we have Runnable’s already, so obviously that’d make the most sense; which, unfortunately, is not possible, because Runnable instances are not serializable.
Enter the serializable closure problem.
As one might suspect, the reason that a Runnable isn’t serializable is because it is a hard problem. The same problem exists in the functional programming world where closures are a prevalent abstraction. Why both of these problems are hard is directly related. The core issue is that both abstractions are meant to represent computation, not data. Computation has a representation in a machine (virtual or otherwise), but we aren’t normally privy to it.
One solution, however, comes directly from researchers figuring out how to compile functional languages.
Enter closure conversion.
What is a closure? Well, a closure is really a 2-tuple, (code, data). We know what the code is, but what about the data? The data is a representation of bindings to all the free variables in the code.
For example, creates a new closure:
function make_counter(x) {
return function(incby) {
x += incby;
return x;
(Here, x is a free variable with respect to the inner function because the inner function did not introduce it. However, incby is bound with respect to the inner function, since it was a parameter of the function)
Closure conversion might, for instance, translate the above function to be this instead:
function make_counter_closure_1(closure, incby) {
closure.bindings[0] += incby;
return closure.bindings[0];
function make_counter(x) {
return new Closure("make_counter_closure_1", [x]);
And any time a value returned by make_counter is called, the appropriate transformation occurs to make that happen.
Could we serialize the returned value of makecounter? Absolutely! We just
need a way to refer to the function “makecounterclosure1” by name (or
address)–easy in a dynamic language, solvable in a compiled language
This translates quite nicely to Java (and our situation), with a few tweaks as well:
public class DelayedJob implements Serializable {
// i.e. "com.meetup.feeds.commands.PostItemCommand"
private String _command;
// the serialized data the PostItemCommand required to run
private Context _context;
public DelayedJob(String className, Context context) {
_command = className;
_context = context;
/* here's the "magic" method, _with error handling removed for
brevity's sake_ */
public Command bind() throws Exception {
Class c = Class.forName(_command);
Command instance = (Command)
return instance;
And an example command:
public class PrintCommand extends Command {
public PrintCommand() { super(); }
public void run() {
Context ctx = getContext();
String message = ctx.getString("message");
System.out.println("The Message Is: '" + message + "'");
Where Command is:
public abstract class Command extends Runnable {
private Context _context = null;
public Command() {}
public void setContext(Context c) {
_context = c;
public Context getContext() {
return _context;
abstract void run();
It might be obvious from the code above, but this won’t work with anonymous Command instances, because we’re serializing a fully qualified class name as part of the DelayedJob.
And how we use it:
public class FeedClient {
public static void print(String message) {
Context c = new Context();
c.set("message", message);
new DelayedJob(PrintCommand.class.getName(), c);
As can be imagined, the process that executes these jobs deserializes the DelayedJob that was sent, calls bind(), and submits it to an Executor to be run.
The one pseudo issue with this solution is that code changes can require a redeploy and restart of the job executing machines. This seems like a reasonable tradeoff.
How does this pan out in practice? It works rather well. We’ve kept the ability to execute jobs the “old way” as well, and switch back to that for short periods of time in some maintenance situations, but this runs and stays up without issues. It also has worked well enough that we’re going to try using it for replicating writes across data centers, until HBase’s multi data center replication aware capabilities mature a bit.
We love shiny stuff as much as the next guy, but we hate downtime, and hate putting out fires. ↵
… and since our data center is on the east coast and the data center is made out of asbestos (this paragraph and footnote are me trying to be funny)… ↵
Crap! Distributed systems are hard! ↵
In fact, the reason I’m writing this post is that I just read this paper yesterday, in which almost the exact same thing is done in Haskell! ↵