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Static Analysis

Recently, I took part in a discussion about whether or not it was possible to implement something like Dialyzer in Python. The answer is of course yes, and there are many examples of such tools1. The discussion soon turned into “why?”

Here’s the thing. Using a static analyzer in a dynamic language isn’t supposed to be 100% accurate–that’d be pretty tough to guarantee, and if you could guarantee it, it’d probably be pretty mediocre. These tools should only be suggestive of potential problems, in much the same way that Java programmers are sometimes forced to use SuppressWarnings to tell the type system, “Bugger off, man! I know what I’m doing!”

The point being, static analysis in most languages is just a suggestion that things are right. In C++, or in Java there are lots of ways to introduce something that type checks but doesn’t really give you any benefit of “rightness.”

In Haskell and OCaml, the type systems are sound, so the suggestions of “rightness” are much more trustworthy–in fact, they’re no longer suggestions, they’re guarantees. If a Haskell or OCaml program type checks, the program is guaranteed to never get into a state where data cannot be combined because of mismatched types. That doesn’t mean that you can’t still have errors, but some class of errors are completely erased as possibilities, and they never have to be thought about.

Static analysis for a dynamic language is more similar to the C++ and Java world. There’s no “proof,” but if you have a good analyzer, and the program checks out, there’s a bit less work that needs to be done to prove to yourself that the program is “correct.” The analysis tool might tell you about a bunch of places where you’re doing something funky–better verify those by hand, and maybe write some test cases around that code.

Ultimately, the value of any static analysis tool comes down to getting as many potential failures and error conditions out of your head and into something recorded, so that you can address them one by one, decide for yourself if it’s a problem, and move on to reasoning about whether or not your program addresses the reasons you’re writing it in the first place.

- 2014/01/15

  1. PySonar is especially cool. See also ternjs for javascript.